You are probably well educated (most of my patients are graduates) but as well as that you are thoughtful and have a broad range of interests. You feel you have never been given permission to be yourself; you have become quite practised at hiding who you really are, even if you don’t see anything wrong with that person.
You often seem to see the world differently from most people. You feel your perception is superior, but find it hard to maintain that confidence with people who either feel threatened by you or just don’t understand.
You feel you are capable of much more in life, but some mysterious barrier seems to keep blocking you. “More” in this case has as much to do with personal authenticity and a feeling of leading a meaningful life as it does with external measures of success like money and status.
You want to understand why things are the way they are. I can offer you a wide range of helpful techniques, but you also want insight into “why” as well as “how to fix it.”
Make an Appointment?
If some of this resonates with you, it’s time to take the big step and make an appointment.
Finding a therapist is like – and I’m not saying that this is a good thing – online dating. You can look at as many profiles, send as many messages as you like but, if you want something to actually happen you have to – gulp – go on a first date.
Actually, it’s not as hard as a first date. Firstly, you don’t need to dress up or worry about your hair. It is considered good practice for psychotherapists to change out of their pyjamas for sessions, but for the client it’s optional.
Secondly, if you get that “Oh my God why am I here can’t I just be at the dentist enjoying some nice relaxing root canal work?” feeling, you don’t need to slip the barman £10 to call you, pretend to be your brother and tell you that your father has just had a heart attack or your mother has been arrested by Special Branch. You just hit the big friendly red “End Call” button and you’re home free. I won’t be upset and I certainly won’t be stalking you.
So, there we are. I’ve told you everything I can. It’s over to you….click here to see available appointments.